Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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highlight films





Greene Family {Western North Carolina Family Photographer}

One thing about on-site photography is that you can’t control all the conditions.  I love the challenge, and the advantage of natural light, though, and I feel like it forces me to become a better photographer overall.
But the summer?  Summer is tough.  Lots of natural light, but say you have… oh… a fire truck.  Hard to park that under a tree.  This shoot was done in an open field on what had to have been the hottest day all summer in this area.  But with a very patient family, and a photographer who doesn’t mind to get dirty (literally), we wound up with some great shots!
Here is gorgeous mommy!

And daddy…  has to be the coolest thing for a little boy to have a dad who is a firefighter!

Then we have sweet C.  What a handsome fellow!

And the whole family!

I have so much respect for men and women who constantly put their life on the line for our safety.  Whether it’s fire fighter, police, military, and many other positions, I appreciate the men and women and their families!  Thank you!

Ahh… one last picture of a gorgeous mama!

Click here for information about booking your own photo shoot!