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Edits. {Hampton Roads, Virginia Photographer}

Remember in high school senior portraits where they take a close up of your face, and then charge $30 if you want them to remove that zit?

I remember. Because I wanted that stupid zit removed, but $30?

When I set up Fowler Photo’s pricing structure, I remembered back to that time, and want to let you know that in my book, removing huge zits is par for the course.  My goal is to make you look your best.

That, of course, doesn’t include making you lose 20 lbs, but it does include flattering poses.

To show an example, I used a picture of me.  This was taken by my husband Josh.  He’s great at composition, so I set up the camera settings for him and let him go to town.

Here is the SOOC (straight out of camera) shot:

I used Lightroom to crop, make a few adjustments, and add a little color to the image to bring out the subject (me), from the background.  I also smoothed out my skin just a tad to complete a basic edit.
Next, I realized that I most definitely need to get my hair touched up again.  It’s much easier to get it touched up in real life before the photo shoot, but I didn’t exactly plan on this one!
Here is the final product, including the hair touch up!

  1. Great job. I really like what you did with your hair.