Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Business // We’re Published!!

When I got married 8 years ago I never dreamed I’d be one of those people taking all the gorgeous wedding pictures I used for inspiration.  But here Love+Wander_featuredwe are, and that’s exactly what’s happening!

Two weeks ago I started submitting some of my weddings & other things to be published.  It was a shot in the dark & I prepared myself for a lot of let downs.  Sure enough, the first thing I submitted was turned down.  I was sad at first, but thankfully they gave me some feedback… I didn’t send in enough pictures.

Huh?  That wasn’t so bad… So I started sending in more to a few different blogs and within a few days I started getting more responses– and they liked my work!

The posts will be featured over the course of the next few months & I’ll be submitting more of course.  It’s so awesome to tell my brides that her wedding is being featured!  She puts so much work into her big day and it’s awesome for her to be able to share it with the world!

Here’s what has been featured so far!  Love + Wander   Inspired by Dis
