Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Business & Personal // Fun Weekend!

With our friends we’re pretty well-known for being able to pack so many activities into a weekend that it’ll make your head spin.  The thing is, we LOVE hanging out with people!

These are all from our Instagram feed, so if you don’t follow us, you should!  We’re @fowlerstudios

We kicked off the weekend filming a commercial film for The Peninsula Academy.  They are amazing!  We can’t wait to share their film with you.

Then we headed straight out to a “You’re a Nerd” party to celebrate a dear friend who is graduating with his doctorate!  His wife pulled off this entire party as a surprise, which was really impressive!  There was so much delicious food and cute little nerd glasses & bowties.

Saturday we had a birthday party in Virginia Beach that we were filming & photographing.  Want to make us a really happy couple?  Let us team up doing photo & film!  It’s our happy place!

Before the party, though, we made sure to get some extra time with our sweetness.  I love her zest for life.  She’s only two, but let me tell you, this kid has personality. When she needs a breather from life, she just lays down on the sidewalk and rests for a minute.  It’s hilarious!

The picture on the right above is at church Sunday morning!  Yes– we’re a little crazy to cram so much into one weekend, but church is a non-negotiable in this house.  Josh leads worship at one campus and I sing at another campus, so it’s really a whirlwind, but we love it!

And just in case that wasn’t enough fun for one weekend, we went out to the lake for a day to relax with some friends.  It was so nice to just do whatever we wanted for a day.  We also finally watched the movie Frozen!  Our daughter has seen it and loves it but we hadn’t.  On the far right you can see her pretending to be Elsa.  I love her imagination!

What did you do to celebrate Memorial Day?  I’ve always enjoyed this particular weekend of spending time with the ones I love and being thankful for those who have made it possible!  Hats off to our military!
