Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Family // Buckroe Beach

A few weeks ago I was at a Peninsula Pilots game with my church and the lady in front of me introduced herself.  “Hi, I’m Wendy.  You’re doing my family pictures next week!”  Let me tell you– that is the coolest thing ever.  I knew we went to the same church, but I’d never met her & we’d been chatting through online message for months now to set up this session.  I love how being a photographer allows me to meet so many people and get to see a glimpse into their lives.

Wendy took advantage of our Black Friday special last year.  I do one each year & let me tell you– they are definitely the best deals all year!  Mark your calendar to look for it.  🙂  This session is the result of that special, and I loved getting to know their unique family.  The parents started dating in 9th grade and have been married for 15 years!  Their kids are respectful, talented & smart– it was truly a joy to get to know them!  Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom– I saved the most incredible pictures  of their talented daughters for last!
