Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Personal // Fourth of July

You know those special holidays when you were growing up?  For me, it was Christmas Eve, Fourth of July, and the Ramp Convention.  We won’t get into that last one right now except to say that I grew up in the south.  🙂  But the Fourth of July was always a biggie.  The whole extended family got together for a cookout and fireworks and I can’t even tell you how many sparklers we went through each year.

But we’re 8 hours from family now so it’s a little hard to make it back for each special holiday.  Thankfully, living in a military area, all the patriotic holidays are celebrated in fashion!  It’s hard to take pictures while holding a scared two year old, so I’ve only got a few.  😉We also had a picnic and my fearless little one did all sorts of brave things!  And by Saturday night we ended up at urgent care with gushing head wound.  I mean… I guess that’s par for the course with a kid.  Thankfully she is totally okay.  You can read that story here!

I bet you can guess where we were!
