Adventure seekers // Dream followers
We like living life to the fullest


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Extended Family // Karslake – Enscore – Dominice

If you know us personally, then you know that these are some of our favorite people in the world.  Four years ago, Larry drove Josh all around the peninsula looking for an apartment for us to live in (we had one day to find a place!).  Today they are quite the dynamic duo on stage at Waters Edge Church Hampton.  Soon after, we met the Dominice’s.  I thought it was cool that Jessi & Keren were such good friends, and also looked alike.  Turns out… they’re sisters!  Over time, I met their parents and have pretty much fallen in love with the whole family.

I love photographing extended families– have I mentioned that?  It’s quite a challenge, but I welcome them with open arms.  I cherish the importance of it– the first photo session I ever personally paid for was an extended family session for ourselves!  The dynamic of having multiple sibling groups and grandparents is so fun.  But there’s always the person who gets it together.  The one who tells everyone what to wear, where to show up, and what time to be there.  In this family, Keren is that person!   I’ll admit, it’s a tough job, but she handles it well.  In our group of friends she’s always the one that keeps us carrying on yearly traditions, making boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and so on.  She’s definitely a glue that keeps our bond strong!

And this session was our fundraiser for Carsyn’s medical equipment!  It’s so nice to have a career where my customers and I can make a difference in other people’s lives!
