Adventure seekers // Dream followers
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The Fowlers Hit Atlanta!! // Personal

It’s a bit quiet around here because we’re in Atlanta this week leading worship at a marriage conference!  This is the second time we’ve been able to do this in the past six months– the last one was in Philadelphia.  So far we’re having a great time!  It’s fun to meet new people from around the US who are doing the same things we are.  And I’m not sad one bit that we’re missing that Virginia snowstorm!

Image Courtesy of Hayne Photographers

It’s not lost on me that we get to travel and do cool things that we love.  Between photo, video, and music, we’ve gotten a lot of opportunities over the years to live out our dreams.  It really hit me hard with this trip because we are back in Atlanta where we lived 2008-2009.

When we moved to Atlanta we didn’t really have steady streams of income.  We both delivered pizza at night, I nannied during the day part-time and Josh played keyboard on the weekends whenever he could get a gig (which was fairly often).  We both ended up working in full commission jobs that required driving long distances each day– and we shared one car.  To say that times were tough is an understatement, but we were determined to make our dreams come true.  We attended North Point Community Church at the time and passed by the NAMB (North American Mission Board) building each week to get to church.  I remember thinking that building was so cool and they must do such important stuff there.

Fast forward– seven years later– we’re leading worship at a conference in that very building!  Let me tell you– they do very important things there, but it’s not nearly as intimidating as I imagined, lol.  They’re incredibly nice and welcoming.

It is just so wild to me that life has brought us here.  “Here” being this stage of life, not a physical place.  We have a well respected business with Fowler Studios, we’re part of a wonderful church, have a really cool kid, incredible friends, and our love is strong.

So for the young individuals or couples who are working your butts off and feel like you’ll never get ahead– keep working.  Make a plan for hitting your goals and keep working hard.  I’m not sure that we work any less these days, but now we’re able to do things we’re really passionate about, and that makes work seem like a lot more fun!  I’ll share more about that subject tomorrow.  🙂
