Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Our Craft and Passion

This past weekend my best friend and I left the kids and the husbands and went up to the mountains!  She was throwing a bridal shower and interviewing for a job and I had Amber + Jon’s wedding.  It was perfectly planned and we had a great time!

It also really reminded me of home.  Home is western North Carolina.  The mountains.  Asheville, Waynesville, and a bunch of other beautiful places in between.  It’s the land of cool mountain air, legit coffee shops, and the most beautiful views you’ll ever see.  Just about everyone is artsy, whether it’s making moonshine, playing music, creating the perfect cup of coffee, or acting in the local theater.  Everyone is passionate. They have a craft, a specialty, and it’s just beautiful.

And this weekend reminded me of all of that.  I had a chai latte and a sandwich at a place called The By & By Cafe in Staunton and it blew my mind.  The people who made those items had passion for what they were doing.  It wasn’t some cheese thrown on some chicken salad and tossed my direction– it was a piece of art.

Sounds kind of crazy, right?  I’d never quite put my finger on it until now.  It’s really beautiful and it was wonderful to get away for the weekend and be reminded of why I love what I do, and the passion that it takes to do it well.


