Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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What is Periscope? // Business

Periscope is new in the App Store and is super neat!  I’ve been playing around on it for a few days and was instantly shocked at the response.  The idea is that you see the world through someone else’s eyes.  And you can interact with them!

So these protests and such we see on tv?  There might be someone there with Periscope showing what they’re seeing.  A parade at Disney World?  Watch it live.  It’s so neat!

Yesterday I did a video about how I pack for my photo sessions.  That’s something I would never blog about because writing a list of equipment would be pretty boring.  But a live broadcast where others can ask me questions?  It was perfect!  Viewers asked questions about my camera gear, why I prefer to shoot with my d700 instead of d800, which lenses I like to use for what, and more!

I’m doing a live Q&A on Photography + Business at 10am this morning, and I’d love to see you there!  I’d also like to know what other topics you’d like to know about– whether it be a Q&A time or something else.  You can find us at @fowlerstudios and @joshfowler.  Full disclosure: @joshfowler is mostly watching him play pool, which is pretty impressive!  But then again, @fowlerstudios is mainly myself talking, so…

Let me know what you think and what subjects you’d like to see covered!
