Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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To the Father of my Child

Hey babe.  It’s been a rough couple of weeks.  And a crazy couple of months.  And now that I think about it, the last 11 years have been pretty fast paced.

But when I look back at it all, I pretty much think you’re superman.  You’re a great husband, incredible dad, and super talented at your job.  You take time for friends, but keep your priorities in line.  You mean the world to me.

Photo by: Katelyn James

And to our little girl?  You are everything.  You can do anything, and you make everything possible. You come home from work, cook a healthy dinner, play with her in the backyard, and then tuck her in at night.  You support her and play princesses, but you also teach her how to climb a tree.

You work hard to give her the best in life, but you already have given her the best in life.  And if anyone asks what her daddy does for a living, she proudly tells them all about it.  And when they ask what mommy does, she confidently says that I check the mail.  :/ 

Thank you for loving me.  For staying true to your promise 11 years ago (before we were even engaged) that you would always work on our marriage first, because with a strong marriage, strong kids emerge.  You put our marriage as a priority, which means we naturally pour out love into her and spend quality time together.  I couldn’t ask for more!

I love you, and I’m so thankful for you,


PS: I wanted to include some of my favorite pictures of the two of you, and it turns out that every picture of you guys is my favorite.  🙂

Photo Credit: Megan Boyles Photography
