Adventure seekers // Dream followers
We like living life to the fullest
Can I be honest? I’m not exactly killing it on the recap posts from this year. Lately it’s been all I can do just to share a few images from each session or wedding. Fowler Studios grew so much this year, and when we grow, we like to take it slow and make sure we’re not dropping the ball anywhere.
We have one main priority: Integrity. That means that at the end of the day, creating an excellent product and delivering it to our clients is our top concern. Right after that we make sure that our business is in order. Paying taxes, keeping up with budgets, writing down appointments and organizing receipts… all those things ensure that we can keep running our business.
And I hate to say it, but after those two, comes family. I know, I know, many would say that family should come first. But this business is how we provide for our family, and if we don’t put our clients first, then our family doesn’t eat, so… the business work gets done no matter what.
But blogging? Culling through thousands of wedding photos from the year to choose our favorites? Pulling video clips from each wedding to put together a highlight reel from the year? They’re just not getting done this year. We don’t have the manpower for it, but you better believe it’s one of our goals for next year!
However, we were in the car for over 12 hours this week, so I did find some time to choose a favorite photo of the couple from each wedding we photographed to share!
One of my favorite things about putting this together was looking at how different every wedding was! We covered everything from Ocean City, Maryland to Washington, DC to Harrisonburg, VA to Waynesville, NC and of course, all over Hampton Roads. We’ve traveled an obscene amount of miles– around 12,000 miles for business alone, all by car!
We absolutely couldn’t be more thankful for every single one of these couples and their families. Seriously– they are the best and made 2015 an amazing year. We started in January with some big goals and far exceeded all of them. In January we had no clue Josh would leave his full time job with benefits and we’d both be doing this full time. So thank you… thank you for making our dreams come true… for trusting us with the most special day of your life thus far… and for treating us like family.
Want to see our wedding films of 2015? Click here!