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Mac | Newborn

Newborns are amazing, and nothing makes a Wednesday morning better than snuggling one!  McKenna (Mac for short) looks like an absolute doll.  She has two older brothers who are fiercely protective of her and even decorated their home with welcome home signs when she came home from the hospital!  Her parents are enjoying the twists and turns of newborn life, and say that Mac is the calmest baby ever!

Her parents shared some special news about Mac that I couldn’t possible share as well as they did, so I’m going to borrow their words:

This is our precious daughter McKenna “Mac.” She is such a good baby. She loves snuggles, is sleeping great, and adores her big brothers. We are waiting for genetic testing results to confirm something the doctors have suspected since her birth. Mac is a person with Down Syndrome. This was not a journey we were expecting, but it’s her journey and we can’t wait to take it with her. We appreciate your prayers as we continue to celebrate her arrival!

She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 3:15

Seriously– they are just the sweetest family, and Mac is the perfect addition!  Plus, she’s an incredibly photogenic baby– perhaps there’s some modeling in her future?
