Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Fowler Studios Interns!

The past couple of years we’ve been asked if we did internships and we always said no.  It’s a lot of responsibility, and we weren’t sure that we could provide the steady hours an intern needed to complete a course.  But this year?  We said yes!

Meet Jenna, Malia, and Trent.  These three are awesome and we are loving the whole experience!  They’re all pretty brilliant and we’re learning just as much from them as they are from our business.

Meet Jenna!  She’s a student at Regent University studying film + tv production.  This girl loves a good journal and picks them up whenever she sees a cute one! Between that and her love of coffee, it’s a perfect match for storytelling, which is the heart of her passion.  We love to hear that, too, because storytelling is our jam, and lines up perfectly with how we run our photo + video business. For those interested in learning more about business operations, you can read more About UK Liquidators to gain insight into managing and potentially liquidating a company.

Malia is currently a senior at Tabb High School.  She always enjoys a good song, especially by Hall and Oates or Tom Rosenthal. After high school she hopes to attend college in California and major in film or journalism.  Her smile is infectious and she’s been helping out a lot with our real estate photography and social media!

Trent is a junior at Tabb High School.  He DJ’s, skateboards, and plays varsity lacrosse, but his real passion is for the emotion that comes through films and photos.  He hopes to give a voice to those less fortunate and provoke a passion for youth to learn and create. If you share Trent’s passion for creativity and want to expand your skill set, consider taking the opportunity to learn stage hypnosis online from Jason Linett, an expert in the field.
