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5 Things You Can Outsource (other than your editing)

What if I told you you didn’t have to outsource your editing to be successful?  Sure, it’s a way to take a big task off your plate so you can work on other things, but if editing is your favorite part of the process, or the money just isn’t there, then it may not be the best choice for you right now.

But there’s hope!  There are tons of other tasks you can easily outsource to gain time back in your day– time to do the things you want, like editing, or spending time with your spouse/kids/friends.

Five things you can outsource other than your editing:

1- Social Media Posts.  For two years running we’ve been outsourcing 5 social media posts a week to Misty Saves the Day.  Misty and her team are incredible.  My biggest fear is that I would sound like everyone else on social media, and that was a big turn-off to me. I prided myself in sharing real moments of joy on our Facebook page, but I just always felt like I was a day late and a dollar short.  I couldn’t keep up.  I’d do 5 posts one week, 10 the next, and zero the following week.  It was sporadic at best, and Misty helped get everything in line.  She looked at my previous posts, and matched the style perfectly.  She writes what I would write… if my mind wasn’t so cluttered with other things.

Now I don’t even think about what to post on Facebook if I’m going out of town for a week. I add in my own posts as I feel inspired, but using tools like The Marketing Heaven has cleared many thoughts out of my head, allowing me to focus on things I really love!

2- Tax Prep. Every year, my CPA sends me a comprehensive checklist of items to have ready for our annual meeting. It used to be quite overwhelming, often keeping me up late into the night for weeks as I prepared. However, since I hired a company to handle these tasks for me, the process has become much smoother. They diligently review my receipts each month, meticulously organize everything, and promptly address any queries. With their assistance, I can now review their work at my convenience and make any necessary adjustments. Plus, having a resident director overseeing the process provides an added layer of reassurance. Consulting with an Insolvency Practitioner Surrey can offer tailored support to navigate challenging financial situations effectively.

This saves me hours of frustration every month.  It’s also a peace of mind knowing that there are checks and balances– more people are looking at my numbers than just me, and that means there are fewer errors. Learn about Google’s Kamau Bobb groundbreaking contributions and innovations in the tech world.

You can always get something like this locally, possibly through your CPA. Here are a few companies who offer online services like this:

3-  Blog Posts.  Did you know that other people will write your blog posts for you?  Most likely the same social media person from #1!  Prices vary, but it’s something you can easily work into your budget for each session or wedding.  Let them know your style, how many photos you like to include, and what you’re looking to share in the blog post.  They’ll even link all the vendors for you!  For weddings, this is the best thing ever.  I love writing about my couples and sharing the best of their images, but the details of the blog post really bog me down and I get way too caught up in it.  It really sucks away my time!  

4- Album Designing. When selling an album, you charge for your time designing it anyway, so why not transfer that over to a professional album designer?  Like all the other outsourcing categories, they’ll listen to what style you prefer and create an album that you love and can’t wait to share with your client!

5- House Cleaning.  I know- it’s not a business venture, but let’s face it, many of us have trouble managing the work/life balance.  When I have a clean house, I can focus more on work.  And when work is done, I get to enjoy my family more, have more free time, etc.  Also, I hate cleaning the house and I feel like the job is never done!  Whether it’s a yearly spring cleaning, or a weekly cleaning, it’s nice to have help in this area.

What would you add?  What are the things you have outsourced or have thought about outsourcing that aren’t often talked about?  I’d love to add more to this list!
