Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Family, Photo Sessions

Goy Family | Fort Monroe Family Photos

The week leading up to Greg’s session with his two daughters, the weather forecast was grim.  Rain every day, all day.  But then… every day it just didn’t rain.  The forecast continually said it was going to rain in the next few hours… but continually pushed it back again and again. It only rained a handful of times that week!

But when it came to the day of his session, the forecast still wasn’t in our favor.  We decided to go ahead and chance it since these photos would be used for a gift that was time-bound.  And we made it!  It didn’t start raining until the very end of the session.  We were walking back towards the car, in the rain, and that’s when I snapped this first picture.  The session was complete, but this spot was so pretty I couldn’t resist one last photo.  And I’m glad!
