Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Wedding Films, Wedding Planning, Weddings

Why Hire a Videographer?

More and more brides are starting to see videography as a must! Couples are finding ways to prioritize a wedding video in their budgets and for good reason. At the end of the day, you can’t get this day back. You don’t get a do-over. And while that feels like a lot of pressure to get it perfect, it’s actually a reminder to soak in and remember every second.

Wedding Videography, Fowler Studios_0001Easier said than done, right? We hear from so many couples who say if they regret anything from their wedding, it’s that they didn’t hire a videographer. Your wedding goes by FAST. Before you feel like you can even say hi to every guest, you’re ready for your exit. A film of your day- from getting ready, to the ceremony, to the sparklers at the end- can capture every minute and cement it in time. On your anniversary each year, watch your wedding film together and reminisce about how magical and full of love this day was.

And then in 50 years, you can look back and remember what your love felt like when your marriage was brand new, before your family grew, before your life together was measured in decades. And what a blessing it is that we get to be a part of that-a part of helping create this history for you.

