Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Family, Mini Session, Photo Sessions

Davis Family | Canton, NC Family Photographer

In 2005 Josh and I were engaged and we still led pretty separate lives.  We lived in different counties, went to different churches, and were excited to begin to combine our lives.  One Sunday I was visiting his church and there was a guest pastor who was about to plant a church in the county where I grew up.  It was squarely in the middle between where Josh and I were each living, and the church was going to start 2 months before our wedding.  They needed volunteers to help them get started.  Josh and I looked at each other and we didn’t realize it at the time, but it was our first great adventure as a married couple.

One thing led to another and we didn’t just become volunteers, Josh was the worship leader!  And this family mini session is of the pastor that spoke that day and his family!  If you’ve ever helped plant a church, then you know how immensely difficult it is– the ups and downs are insane!  But it taught us all so much, and I’m thankful for that first great adventure in our lives!

While we were in town last week, we snagged a mini session here with the Davis family.  I felt a little old since their “little girl” is now grown up and married, but so cool to see her grow and flourish in life!
