Adventure seekers // Dream followers
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Nancy + John | Kingsmill, Williamsburg Elopement

I love big weddings, and y’all know that.  400 guests?  SIGN ME UP.  But also?  I really love and appreciate small weddings too.  And everything in between.  I love the crazy of a big wedding, but I love the intimacy of getting to hug each of your guests after the ceremony and truly spending quality time with each one.

And that’s exactly what Nancy + John did after their ceremony!  They hugged each other, and then made their way around to each of their guests and hugged them all!  We went inside, ate, danced for a hot second, and then we moseyed outside to take a few portraits.  I loved that photos didn’t take away from their time with guests.  I love photos, obviously, but I love it more when people get to spend the most time with their friends and family.

When Nancy emailed me about doing photos for their wedding, we had a good laugh about my website.  She was reading the ‘about us’ section and saw where I wrote that I’m a math nerd. We bonded immediately.  Math is king!

You’re going to love everything about this wedding too!  From Nancy’s navy dress to that incredible bright and cheerful bouquet.  And the food.  YUM!
