Adventure seekers // Dream followers
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New Class!! // How to Take Better Pictures with the Equipment You Already Have

Hi there!  I get it.  You’re a mom who appreciates great photography.  But dangit, it’s expensive to hire a professional photographer to follow you around all day, every day to catch wonderful candid shots of your kids!

This class is for you.

Or maybe you don’t have kids, but you still want to know how to get the best pictures with what you’ve got.

This class is less about the camera & more about setting yourself up for success no matter what camera you use!  In a perfect world we’d all have $10,000 to spend on the perfect camera & lighting gear, but in reality, that’s just not possible.  We’ll teach you how to use your camera to the best of its abilities– whether it’s a flip phone or a DSLR.

Yes, it’s blurry, but it’s also my favorite!

The class will be broken into three parts- instructional, hands on, and related Q&A.  We’ll provide coffee & desserts, as well as a few headshots for you to keep!  You’ll also be added to a Facebook group with others in the class so the learning can continue– and share your pictures if you like!

Interested?  Submit the form below & I’ll send you all the details!  The class will be held April 26, 1-4pm and is only $75 for the 3 hour class!  There are only 7 spots available, so get in touch today!  If April 26 isn’t good for you, let us know & we’ll keep you in the loop for the next class date a few months from now.

What will you need to bring?  Yourself, of course, a camera or two of your choosing (Your phone counts!  After all, how many photos are taken on it every week?), and something to take notes with.

This class is all about capturing life as it happens & setting yourself up for success when you want to take photos.  It’s not a beginner photography course & we won’t go too much into the technical stuff.  It’s more focused on lighting, location, and composition– three crucial factors in taking great photos!
