Adventure seekers // Dream followers
We like living life to the fullest
You know those weekends where you’re so busy that at the end of it you have no idea what you did? That’s been the past month around the Fowler household! In fact, last weekend a friend said, “Wow, you guys have had a busy few days!” and I just stared at her blankly, trying to remember what we did the day before.
But… we love it! We love being busy and that awesome moment of crashing at the end of the day.
Wednesday-Friday this week were consumed with finding a bed, mattress, box springs, and then painting the bed. I primed it, then started painting it purple. Then pink, and then a different shade of pink. I’ve never been one to be so particular about something like this, but I guess there’s a first time for everything!
It’s not done yet– the weather got cold, then rainy, so I’ll have to finish it this week. I painted a few frames while I was at it.
Saturday was FULL of crazy shenanigans! Josh had band practice for Easter while I took Hazelnut to an Easter egg hunt. Then we did a switcharoo where I went to band practice while he hung out with Hazelnut. We both sing at Waters Edge Church. He’s on staff as the worship leader at the Hampton campus and I volunteer as a background vocalist at the Newport News campus.
At my band practice, a transformer caught on fire, sending us all home until it could get fixed. Estimated time? 5am Sunday morning! Did I mention these band practices were for Easter? Thankfully, Hazelnut was at a friends house overnight, so that made life much easier.
I ended up heading back to band practice at 6am Easter morning, and going straight through until the last service ended at noon. It was a long morning, but oh so awesome! To see such a large auditorium fill up wall to wall was just amazing! How lucky am I to sing with them?
And you would think that when you wear bright turquoise pants, you won’t have to worry about anyone else wearing the same thing… but no! The worship leader & I were wearing nearly the same colored pants! Eh, what do you do?
After we finished up services at the Newport News campus I headed down to Hampton where Josh was leading worship for one last service. I called him on the way:
Me: “Heeeeyyyy sweetie”
Not Josh: “Well hello!”
Yeah… it wasn’t my sweetie– it was the church pastor messing with me!
But Easter afternoon… oh the afternoon was so relaxing! Friends, delicious food, and my wonderful family to enjoy it with.Hazelnut missed nap time & played her heart out all afternoon. She passed out on the way home at 6:30pm and slept all night!
Yes, we certainly love busy weekends and family time! How did you spend your weekend?