Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Personal // Date-iversary

On the heels of a busy weekend where we filmed two weddings, photographed one, and was 2nd photographer for another, we’ve both been consumed in our work.  So I was shocked when midnight rolled around last night and Josh looked at me & said, “It’s the 6th! Do you know what today is?”

Don’t you love my awesome 2005ish editing? 😉

It took me a second.

It’s our date-iversary.  10 years ago he stood in my parents driveway & broke my heart, then made me the happiest girl ever.

“I can’t come over here to see you anymore,” he said.  Long pause.

Heart. Sunk.  In .2 seconds I was completely crushed. What the heck happened?  I thought things were going great!  I really like this guy.

Then he finished with “Unless you’re my girlfriend.”

Jerk.  But I really liked him, so of course I played along.

I love my cheesy guy & I love that he actually asked me to be his girlfriend.  And I love that each year we spend a few moments reflecting back to life then & now.  It makes us appreciate it all over again!

Fast forward 10 years… a few things have changed!
