Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Events // Peninsula March of Dimes 2014

Four and a half years ago I lost a niece shortly after her birth.  She was born at 29 weeks and her lungs weren’t developed enough for survival.  Her twin sister survived and is a beautiful reminder of life.  That experience is what spurred me on into the photography field, so it was natural for me to want to partner with the March of Dimes.  They raise money to make things like that a thing of the past!

Three years ago I contacted our local March of Dimes to see what their needs were.  Ever since then I’ve been photographing their main walk each year on the peninsula!

This right here is my favorite photo of the day.  This little guy’s family are the Ambassadors for the Peninsula Chapter of the March of Dimes.  And what does his plaque say?  Hero.  Yes, little buddy, you are a hero.  A fighter.  And your family– they’re heroes and fighters as well!


This girl in the top left can SING y’all!

Some fantastic hula dancers entertained us!

These two families (in pink & purple) are just amazing.  In the pink is the Byrum family.  They are the 2014 Virginia Chapter Ambassador Family!  They lost their first born daughter, Emerson Grace when she was 5 days old.  She was born at 23 weeks.  They walk in memory of her & so that one day no other families have to endure that pain.  This year their team raised over $16,000.  How incredible!!And the team in purple… do you recognize them?  Fowler Studios produced the film highlighting their story from the years of trying to get pregnant, to their pre-term labor & NICU experience, to the healthy child they have today.  They are the 2014 Peninsula Chapter Ambassador Family.  How cool that we not only have the local ambassador family but also the state-wide family right here on the peninsula?  We sure do have some amazing people here!

How awesome are kids?  Little Issac is literally the reason his family at the walk today, the reason they’re the ambassador family… and he goes from happy to distraught in 2 seconds flat.  Jabbering in the microphone, then meltdown.  “Yep, he’s two!” was all his mom could say– so true!  You can prepare them all day long, but a two year old is just going to be two.  🙂  And the people there understood more than anyone else how much of a blessing it is to have a two year old who can have a meltdown!

Scotty & Courtney – Their Journey from Fowler Studios on Vimeo.
