Adventure seekers // Dream followers
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Personal // Sleeping on the Couch

This morning I woke up on the couch.  Panic ensued, as I had no idea what day or time it was.  Was I late?  What did I do yesterday? Why am I on the couch?

As it turns out, I fell asleep culling photos (aka: choosing my favorites) from the March of Dimes walk yesterday.  Josh (my husband), for the record, was definitely asleep under the pool table.

When I look at this picture all I see is her at 16, asking to borrow my car keys because she’s meeting some friends at the mall. Hold me.

Ha!  Sometimes we just go-go-go and then crash.  Last night was definitely a crash sort of night!

Around here we love being busy doing things we love.  Yesterday Josh led worship for 4 church services, sang his heart out, and worked along side his awesome volunteer team.  I took photos for the March of Dimes, then spent the afternoon cooking dinner for a friend who just had a baby, delivered the meal, hit up the grocery store (with a perfectly behaved toddler!), and then we all ended the night hanging out with friends.  Josh played video games with the guys while I addressed invitations for a friends baby shower.  We got home around midnight– just in time for me to cull some photos and Josh to rent some camera gear for this weekends weddings.

Yes, we are totally glutton for punishment when it comes to busy schedules.  And people ask when we’re going to have another child!

While at the March of Dimes event, three people unknowingly put a HUGE smile on my face.  One person introduced me to another by saying, “This is Susan– her husband did the film about our pregnancy & NICU journey.”  The other lady responded with, “Yes, and she does our photos for the March for Babies walk every year!”  Then another lady walked up, “Don’t you sing on stage at WEC Newport News?  I love to hear you sing!”

YES!  We LOVE being with people, serving others & making a difference in their lives.  And I love to see that same spark in our little girl.  She’s only two, but other moms on the playground tell me that their kid is very shy & doesn’t like playing with other kids, but around Hazel, they just come alive.  As a momma, that makes me burst with pride!

So on a morning like this where all I want to do is curl up and go back to sleep, I’m reminded to be thankful for all that we’re able to do these days.  And, I’m super thankful that I have a really comfy couch!
