Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Calling All Hampton Roads Wedding Vendors!

Hey there!  Maybe we’ve worked together on a wedding, or maybe you’d like to work with us in a wedding– either way we’d like to hear from you!  We’re compiling a list of preferred vendors to give to our brides.  Do you want to be included?  Send us this info!

Email susan (at)

1) Your name
2) Name of the company you represent
3) What you offer for our brides
4) Have we worked together on a wedding before?  If so, which one?
5) Any additional information that you’d like us to know?

It’s important to note, this isn’t going to be us playing favorites.  It’s important to us that our brides are well taken care of, and have vendors that offer services they’re looking for.  Quality and customer care is also important to us!  And if that means we have three DJ’s and zero cake vendors on the list, then so be it.  It’ll even out over future years, but we’d rather have a list that our brides know they can trust rather than one that’s made to look pretty and even.  🙂

Thank you in advance to those who will send us their information!
