Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Jack + Greg | A Story of Hope

October 30th of last year, we got a call that one of our friends, Greg, had been struck by a Jeep going 45 mph.  He was in Florida at the time.  The outlook was very grim, and immediately our friends from church jumped into action.  Josh and our friend Michael stepped in to organize donations and we were able to send Greg’s dad, Jack, on a flight to Florida quickly and pay for his needs while down there.

That first month was awful.  Greg’s life was touch and go.  Updates were by the hour, sometimes even more often.  His status changed quickly and often.  One day Josh called me to tell me that it looked like Greg wouldn’t recover at all.  I remember praying together in our driveway and preparing ourselves for the worst.

But Greg fought back.  Hard. And last month he was released from the hospital. They’re living in Florida for now because of all the loose ends to tie up, but are planning to move back to Virginia when life allows.

Each year there are a few families that I feel led to offer a free photo session.  Of the families from last year, two of them had major life altering circumstances before the end of the year.  One, we lost, but I’m so thankful that Greg is still around so I can finally do this photo session for them.  He’s gaining weight and strength every day!

These guys put us to shame when it comes to living the simple life.  Josh and I love living simply, but when I think about what would have to happen in order to catch a flight out of town immediately, and for an indefinite period of time?  Suddenly my life is very complicated.  When Jack moved to Florida after the accident, he packed everything in a Ford Explorer.  Give them a Jesus, a surfboard, their dog Reef, and some food and they’ve got everything they need.  They’re two really awesome guys!
