Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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DMC Atlanta | Corporate Promo Film

When Adam Dorfman called a few weeks ago to inquire about a film, we were ecstatic!  He’s actually our old boss, so when it came to creating a film about his company, we already had a good feel for what he wanted.  His company has grown so much over the years and it was exciting to see our old colleagues as managing partners now!  Plus, Atlanta is Josh’s favorite place in the world, so he’s always ready to make the trip!


Can I be honest?  As silly as it sounds, this film made me all sappy.  Lame, right?  But it represents a huge part of our past that made us into who we are today.  I’ve wanted to share about the crazy path we took to this point, but every time I start writing it turns into a novel, so maybe I’ll share it in shorter pieces.  I’ll start with the Atlanta piece.

In 2008 we moved to Atlanta one month before the market crashed.  Between us we had 5 part time jobs, and by mid-October, two companies were willing to hire me– DMC Atlanta, and 104.7 The Fish.  I love the world of broadcasting, but it was only part time and there wasn’t much hope for job advancement.  I chose DMC Atlanta because I wanted to have a job where hard work was rewarded and there were reasonable advancement opportunities.  Several months later, Josh got hired there as well.

I can’t even begin to tell you all the ridiculous things that Adam had to put up with when we worked there.  There was one time he really needed us to both go on a business trip together, but we didn’t have a dog sitter that week, so he booked a hotel that allowed pets.  He also decided to mess with the office staff one day and tell them… wait, I probably shouldn’t share that story.  He bought me a Jaegerbomb for my 23rd birthday and as it turns out, that’s my favorite drink that I didn’t know existed.  Adam has this crazy way of bringing the most random people together and making them family.  We still keep in touch with many of our co-workers from those days.

We had some good times, and Adam really invested a lot in us.  We traveled all over Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Texas.  So many of the principles we’ve used in building Fowler Studios were derived from the sales and leadership skills we learned there, and it’s really helped us build a strong, lasting business.  It’s cool to see it full circle– each of us doing the thing that we were made to do, and excelling at it.

