Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Shannon + Josh | Lions Bridge Engagement Session, Newport News, Virginia

From the moment I started emailing with Shannon I could tell I loved her personality.  Then I found out that I’d met her before.. at her fiancé’s sisters wedding last year!  Already knowing that side of the family, and then getting to know Shannon, I can tell their wedding is going to be a blast.  Their personalities mesh so well together, which makes the engagement session and the wedding day so seamless!

Because Shannon doesn’t live in the area right now, we had to get a little creative with the scheduling of the engagement session.  In the slower seasons (like right now) we’re able to be a lot more flexible, and with a two day time window where she was in town, mixed with a dicey weather forecast, we tossed around about 7 or 8 different potential timeframes and dates!  We landed with an 8am Sunday morning session with the most perfect weather you could dream up.  It was overcast with some sun peeking through and zero wind.  It was perfection!
