Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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AshLee + Jordan | Wedding Portraits in Downtown Hampton

These two lovebirds got married in October and planned a killer wedding portrait session in Hawaii!  But… last minute things happened and they weren’t able to fly out after all (I wasn’t even going, but man was I disappointed for them!).  So on a freezing cold day, we got together and made some magic with wedding portraits in one of my fave places– downtown Hampton!

Why there?  Downtown Hampton has a crazy big variety of location spots.  We’ve got plain white/gray/brick walls, we have beautiful colorful murals, we have historic buildings, we have lights in trees, the water, boats, the Air and Space Museum and we even have a historic carousel!  Did I mention there’s a park and… oh just a million things all within a short walk.

AshLee + Jordan were absolutely all smiles and giddiness during this session, which warms my heart so much.  I think that’s part of why I love working with couples– that warm fuzzy feeling of when you first get married?  I love keeping it alive!  I also love that she wore a red dress and he wore a white tux.  And his tie had Zelda on it!  🙂

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