Have you ever known that you were right, but everyone who mattered to a situation insisted you were wrong? But you stand up for what you know, you push through… and still people lie to your face. You carefully take every step to make things right, but still, you’re considered crazy and annoying and there […]
If medical things mess with you, then don’t read this post. Please, just don’t scroll down because it is really rough. There isn’t blood or anything, but there’s tons of wires and tubes, and I know not everyone is okay seeing that. But for those parents who are preparing for something like this, it’s helpful […]
We arrived in Boston and spent the 4th of July roaming the city and trying to hold on to the last bit of normalcy for awhile. Zane wasn’t having the best time. His whole schedule has been thrown off, he had to take two plane rides (the first since leaving Bulgaria, which can bring up […]