Justin + Brittany | 10 Year Anniversary Elopement

10 years ago Justin + Brittany were married.  They were young, things happened and they ended up getting a divorce.   But then they became friends again and slowly a friendship began to turn into something more.  They remembered why they got married in the first place. And on Thursday… what would have been their tenth wedding […]


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Manicone Family | Grandview Beach, Hampton, Virginia

Sometimes as I prepare for a session, I look outside and it looks so dreary!  It’s always hard to decide whether to continue on or to postpone.  If we postponed every day the weather was less than perfect, we’d never get sessions done.  But at the same time, we don’t want our clients to spend […]


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Laura + Michael // Grandview Beach Engagement Session, Hampton, VA

Our engagement session of the year has proved to be quite beautiful!  It was f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g. but Laura + Michael were great sports and kept each other warm.  We went to a part of Grandview Beach that I’d never been to, but will definitely visit again.  It had so much to offer and was so beautiful, […]


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