Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Family // The Mensers // Downtown Hampton, VA

When we decided to buy a home last year, Carlyn texted us the very next day.  We hadn’t told her we were looking, but it’s like a sixth sense she has as a real estate agent.  She sent us a picture of a house that was going on the market that she thought we’d like.  Well, we didn’t end up buying that house, but we did end up buying a similar house in the same neighborhood!

Yes, she is that good.  After looking at the first house, we sent her our list we’d made of all the things we wanted in a perfect home.  Of course, we didn’t expect to find a place with all of those in our price range, but she managed to do it!  The only thing that our home doesn’t have is a basement.  Considering we live 6 feet above sea level, a basement was quite a stretch!  But we do have an awesome attic & a huge bonus room.  Instead of buying a starter home our first time around, we bought a home that we can’t imagine ever leaving.

It’s really refreshing to work with someone who understands that a home really is a huge investment and you have to love it 100%.  When we started looking at homes I warned her– we’d been looking at homes on & off for 6 years and hadn’t bought anything, so she probably shouldn’t spend too much time on us.  We were simply not going to buy something unless it was truly the right place for us.  We’d rather pay sky-high rent for another year than be in a home we don’t love.  Crazy, right?  It’s just how we roll.

The day we found our home, Carlyn had been gracious enough to line up SIX homes for us to look at during Josh’s 1 hour lunch break.  The second I walked in the front door I knew it was our home.  It felt like I was walking in my own home!  I stood in the living room & told Josh we needed to make an offer.

I was a little sad when we closed on our home because it meant we wouldn’t see Carlyn as much anymore.  She is awesome and I just wanted to look at houses with her every day!  Seriously– she makes being a realtor look so fun that I briefly thought maybe I’d like to be one.

Then I laughed uncontrollably.  Someone who really loves their job & is great at it will make it look so effortless & fun that everyone wants to do what they do!  It’s inspiring!

Little did I know, that Carlyn doesn’t stop after the closing date.  She is constantly following up with us, sending us notes in the mail and letting us know that her job doesn’t stop when we buy the house.  That is awesome!

Carlyn is going to kill me for writing all that, but it’s true!  She really is great at her job.

She is also great at making adorable babies.  I mean, seriously, look at that cutie!  We had so much fun hanging out in downtown Hampton

Carlyn was also looking for some new head shots, so we tried out a few different ideas. Sometimes it’s fun to try something even if you think it won’t turn out well.  In the end, we ended up with a few head shots, and some pictures that while she may not be able to use for head shots, her husband will definitely love!And she’s really going to kill me for these next pictures, but I think they show her true personality!  She works hard & is a serious person, but she also loves to have fun & goof off!  I love including some outtakes in the midst of an album.
