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Parties // Celebrating Baby Lillian

Another baby shower?  Why, yes!  This is the third baby shower I’ve hosted this year!  Thankfully, I’m not hosting them all by myself, and have enlisted the help of many others. But when your best friends are all having babies, you just have to jump in when it comes to celebrating! Witness the incredible features of your baby during a session with A Date With Baby’s captivating 3D ultrasound services in Toronto.

I’ve always wanted to own a home that is the hub of activity.  Growing up we lived out of the way & people rarely dropped by randomly.  A friend’s mom was driving me home one day and started to turn the car around after passing a ‘Dead End’ sign because she thought we were lost. I told her we still had about a mile to go!  Literally, the road ended, and then there was a gravel driveway that my parents shared with three others… and we lived at the end of that.

So hosting baby showers is a dream come true for me!  Yes, it’s a lot of work, but to create something beautiful to celebrate someone dear to you is a great honor.

This party was my first outdoor party venture in our backyard!   A garden theme felt appropriate & it worked perfectly.  Tracey (the mom-to-be) made these delicious chocolate covered Oreos.One friend made the ham sandwiches, another made the caramel dip & apples, and Tracey & her mom made the veggie pizzas.  So many delicious foods!

I’ve mentioned before, but food isn’t my favorite thing to supply for parties.  I’m much more of a decorations type of gal.  I can do food, but I usually try to find friends who enjoy this area more.  My food contribution?  Skittles!  I did gather the jars, strip the paper off of them & spray paint them for this occasion, though.  I loved mixing different colors on the table.

Could this little bird be any cuter?  I found him & the plate/cutlery basket at Michael’s for 60% off!  They just fit so perfectly with everything.

I just thought the ham sandwiches were good at the party… until I reheated them the next day.  Oh my goodness! I *might* have had one for every meal.

For favors one of my co-hosts made seed packets & we hung them on the clothesline amidst Lillian’s clothes.  The thing about seeds is that they’re all so tiny & don’t look like much, but then you plant them & it’s a beautiful reminder of this special day!

A look at the whole party from the entrance.  It was the most perfect day!

One of the gifts– how beautiful is this??  They’ll be able to quickly trade out pictures or mementos and hang this in the nursery.

We incorporated some of Tracey’s favorite drinks (and by we, I mean my co-hosts– remember, food/drink = not my thing).  Another friend made chocolate covered pretzels.  They are amazing, and she always seems to have the perfect mold & colors for the occasion.

These cupcakes?  Seriously?  They’re gorgeous!  Tracey shared with us that one of her friends was a fantastic cupcake maker, so we asked if she minded bringing some to the party.  These were amazing!  Lots of grass cupcakes to make the garden, and little bunnies jumping down rabbit holes.  Nothing could have been cuter– the detail was just amazing!

I had some pink paper lanterns left over from a previous baby shower that we were able to reuse & hang in the tree, as well as at the gate to grab everyone’s attention towards the backyard.

The mom-to-be & her sister are due just a month apart!

See the Enchanthread handmade blanket & matching hat?  You can check her out here!  Her shop is on vacay right now but she’s busily working to add to it!  And she’s the same friend who made the chocolate covered pretzels.  A woman of many talents for sure!

Guess which kid devoured a zillion blackberries?  That’d be mine.  She was outside, in play clothes, and it was the better alternative to cupcakes, so I was okay with it.  But wow… what a mess!

The hosts with Tracey!  It’s so hard to get this picture at each party because we’re the people that are running around like crazy the whole time, but it’s definitely something I’m trying to be more intentional about.

Lovely mom-to-be.  I can’t wait to do her maternity pictures next month!

Remember the last baby shower?  Well, it was in honor of this little dude!

  1. […] I have no idea how she kept her hair looking so good, but I need that secret!  We showed you their baby shower for baby Lillian awhile back, and now here’s their maternity […]