Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Personal // 8th Wedding Anniversary

Today we celebrate 8 years of marriage.  Eight crazy & wonderful years. Josh is the dramer & I’m the practical one.  I like to think that we’ve landed in the middle, which is a great mix!

We often get asked what it’s like to work with each other.  To be honest, this isn’t our first time around the block with that!  When we’d been married a year we were working hard to get out of debt so we both took pizza delivery jobs at Dominos.  Our boss was pretty nervous at first, since it often doesn’t work out well, but I like to think that we worked really well together!  We’re best friends, and there’s just no room for cuddly love in the workplace.

The next year we moved to Atlanta and worked in sales for the same company.  Despite having the same last name, many people never made the connection!  It became a game for us to see how long people could go without knowing we were married.  Once, we were on a business trip with several others and we went an entire week with a new employee not knowing we were married.  It was pretty funny when she found out!

So when it comes to business & love, we make it work to our advantage.  The same communication that it takes to keep a marriage strong works well in business, at least for us!  We love spending the extra time together so it wasn’t long when Josh started assisting me with weddings.

The first wedding where we worked together as a photo/video team we nearly killed each other.  I made some decisions that made it harder for him to do his job, and I felt he was constantly in my way.  Afterwards we worked it all out and it’s made each wedding much easier since then.

Working together is definitely not for every couple, but we love it.  Some couples go skiing together– we shoot weddings together!  And if you can do what you love, with the one you love, and make money while doing it… there’s nothing better!

Happy 8 years to the man who makes me the happiest woman in the world!  I love this adventure we signed up for!

  1. Jordan says:

    Y’all are too cute!!! I love this post. I’m sure working together is a challenge… many cannot do it at all, but y’all do it well!