Adventure seekers // Dream followers
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Emotions // 2014 Highlights

Over and over we hear from our clients that they love us for the vivid colors and emotions that we capture.  Let me tell you, it’s intentional!  We anticipate moments, and allow room for emotional moments in each wedding day.  The funny thing about emotions, though, is that you can’t make them happen.  But I’ve compiled a few of my favorites this year for us to look back on.  First, my very favorite.This was a very special wedding.  Melissa’s mom had been battling cancer and they hoped she would make it to her May wedding.  In April, however, the doctors let them know that she may not be there for her May wedding.  Melissa & Jim decided that they absolutely wanted her mom there for their wedding day, so they decided to make that happen… that weekend.  Of course Melissa’s first choice was to call the photographers she had booked for her wedding day, but they were already booked and were very sweet to send her our way.  We took this picture right when her dad saw her for the first time in her dress.  I’ve never quite seen happy & sad so well mixed as with these two that day.  They were both gaining something amazing, and about to lose a precious treasure.

It was a beautiful & touching day and we were thankful to be included.  You can see more of their pictures and their highlight film here.

Parents in general have high emotions on wedding days.  They’re elated and sad and so very proud of their children all at the same time.  It’s beautiful.

Then we have the couples themselves……and bridal parties having a blast!

And some couples?  Well, they’re just full of emotions and we absolutely love it!But it’s not just weddings… we try to capture emotions in all our sessions!  Admittedly, it’s a little more difficult during family sessions and such, but we love creating fun moments where emotions flow naturally… even if that is your teenage daughter rolling her eyes at you!
