It’s time I admit it: Sometimes I don’t blog. The truth is, I love blogging. I’ve been blogging consistently since the summer after 8th grade. I’ve even met wonderful friends through blogging– friends that I’ve never met in person, and a few I have.
But I have two rules about blogging:
1) It doesn’t come before real life.
2) There has to be substance.
And these past two weeks, both of those have come into play, so blogging has been put on the back burner. I hate it. I’m itching to write, share, and have conversations that the blog brings up! Let’s face it, blogging pushes my business forward. It reminds you we’re here and shows you our pretty pictures and cool films and I love those to be on your mind. It’s also how we show you who we are. I’ve been wanting to share more about Josh and who he is, but that post just hasn’t happened in these past two weeks.
What has happened? Well, many things!
- We’re two weeks away from Josh coming on full time to Fowler Studios! As glamorous as that sounds, there is a lot involved when it comes to finances, budgeting, health insurance, tax stuff, etc.
- I’ve had a bit of a breather between weddings in the hot summer months, so I’ve taken this time to get our house in order. We’re minimalists, so extra stuff around the house just creates messes. I’ve hit up every room in the house to get rid of unused items.
- We have 10 weddings scheduled in October, so any of the normal planning and client care items I would be doing in October are already done! That means all the wedding timelines and family photo lists for October (and most for November) are complete. Yay!
- We completely redesigned our website! Doesn’t it look pretty? We have a lot more to add, but the basics are now in place.
- We’ve been updating equipment.
- We’ve been doing a lot of work on projects that can’t be shared (at least not yet). Josh has filmed and put together an entire yoga DVD, which is our largest project to date, he’s also filmed a commercial for a local yoga studio. I created a photo library for Cookie Text to use on their new website– check it out here! We’re working with a college in NC to create some promotional films for them, and I’ve done two bridal sessions, which of course I can’t share until after their wedding day! These brides are stunning— look for them mid-October on the blog! We also filmed and photographed a 2 day funeral and we both do real estate photos + films. This week I’m doing engagement sessions in Norfolk & Charlottesville and then second shooting a wedding in Richmond.
- And then we have a family, which we cannot let fall by the wayside. My brother and his girlfriend came for a visit and I chose to spend quality time with them rather than blogging about something just for the sake of blogging (see #2 above).
- We’ve been helping others get on track with their finances. 8.5 years ago we read a book that radically changed our lives and taught us how to handle our finances in a responsible manner. It was definitely the best $10 I’ve ever spent! Sometimes friends come to us for help in this area, and we love to share what we’ve learned.
So yes, I took a break. There’s no sense in posting something just so I might get a few blog hits. I’d rather you know that when we post something here, it’s worth reading! And if you’re a fellow blogger, I hope you know that you can do the same! Does blogging help my business and push it forward? Absolutely! Is it more important than our clients experience? Nope.
On the bright side, I do have several things that I can’t wait to blog about, so you’ll be seeing more around here!
Have you had those times? When life is just crazy and something has to give? What are the things that fall by the wayside for you?