Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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Tips & Tricks // The Editing Process

After 4 years of working in Lightroom, I’ve gotten my typical editing process pretty down pat. However, each image demands it’s own tweaks and sometimes there’s an image that you want something special for, but you just can’t quite figure it out. One of those images happened for me last week.  I edited this one […]

Tips & Tricks

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The Bride & Groom Invited You to Attend Their Wedding… Not Photograph It.

The bride & groom invited you to attend their wedding… not photograph it. They invited you to witness their exchange of vows… their first kiss as a married couple… their official debut as husband & wife.  They couldn’t invite everyone, but they chose you to share that special day with them.  That seat your sitting in? […]

Tips & Tricks, Wedding Planning, Weddings

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Tips & Tricks // How to Choose Images to Display in your Home

“I LOVE all my images!  How am I ever going to choose which ones to display??” This is something I never get tired of hearing.  It’s important that people tell me their thoughts on their photo session, and also when they come across an issues– like choosing the right images to display! Style & color […]

Tips & Tricks

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Tips & Tricks // How to take a Better Picture with your Camera Phone

A few nights ago we were out celebrating a friends birthday & I wanted a picture.  The restaurant was super dark so we tried a few different shots: Both looked terrible!  One is so dark you can barely tell who is in the picture.  The other is so bright we both look like we’d had […]

Tips & Tricks

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