Adventure seekers   //  18 years of marriage
5 kids  //  2 businesses  //  We like living life to the fullest


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4 Things Creatives Can Learn From Justin Bieber And Skrillex

Josh wrote today’s post!  He’s our video guru and creative extraordinaire.  I love him (and I’m married to him), and I think you’re going to love what he has to say: I don’t often write here on the blog because, as it relates to the creative industry, I don’t often have that much to offer […]

Education, Tips & Tricks

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I Walked a Mile in Your Shoes! // Tips & Tricks

When I was in college I worked at a counseling center and learned SO MUCH about life.  There are so many situations out there and each person is walking a different path in life, trying to make the best of it.  Given the same opportunities, people will make different choices based on their background and […]

Tips & Tricks

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How to Have the Best Photo Session // Tips & Tricks

You wouldn’t have a photo session if you didn’t plan on having great pictures, but how do you make sure to get the best pictures?  I’ll keep this short and sweet! 1) Decide what you want as your end result.  What style of pictures are you looking for?  What will you be doing with them?  […]

Tips & Tricks

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For the Ladies: How to Look Fantastic in Your Photos

“What should I wear for our session?”  I get asked this question so much!  I have a Pinterest board of suggestions, but when it comes down to it, I always suggest you wear what is comfortable and makes you feel beautiful.  But it’s about time I write something more specific regarding this topic because let’s […]

Tips & Tricks

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Business // Rebranding: What’s in a Name?

If you’re currently deciding on a business name, then take heart– down at the bottom are some tips! ——– Naming our daughter was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever.  I loved thinking about names, writing them out, figuring out if/how they’ll be made fun of on the playground at school, and what the initials […]

Business, Tips & Tricks

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Business // Eat Your Frog First

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” -Mark Twain About 8 years ago I heard a lecture on this quote, and it’s been one of the most helpful things for everyday life, and especially when it comes to running a business.  […]

Business, Tips & Tricks

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Business // Wedding Night Workflow

On the photography side of our business, we often have all the photos ready for a bride within 10 days of her wedding– sometimes as early as four days!  It’s not 100% but it is something we put a high priority on because we know it thrills our brides! Having a precise wedding night workflow […]

Tips & Tricks, Workflow

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Tips & Tricks // How to Photograph Children

Photographing families sounds easy, but the more kids you throw in the pile, the more difficult it can be!  There are a lot of articles out there with suggestions like bringing snacks, toys, etc.  Those are all great ideas that I highly encourage, but today I want to share some fresh suggestions specifically for photographers.  […]

Photography Advice, Tips & Tricks

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Tips & Tricks // Culling Made Easy in Photo Mechanic

Earlier this year I met with Amanda Hedgepeth to pick her brain on workflow, getting published, and business in general.  She is awesome & totally a wealth of information!  She’s a busy momma as well, so I knew she’d have some great ideas to speed up my workflow– and she totally did!  Two words: Photo […]

Tips & Tricks

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Tips & Tricks // Photographing & Editing Fireworks

My last editing related post was a huge hit and many people asked for more, so… here it is! I didn’t have a great chance to photography fireworks on July 4th because I had a two year old in my lap for most of it.  She wasn’t too keen on them, poor thing, but afterwards […]

Tips & Tricks

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